
Cory is an author and journalist and a former senior writer for Learning for Justice. He has experience in both the newsroom—as a former sports journalist—and the classroom, where he has provided reading intervention and tutoring for K–6 students from rural Kentucky to Charlotte, North Carolina.

Articles by Cory

The Religious Liberty Task Force Is More Sword Than Shield

On Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the creation of a task force that—in the name of “religious liberty”—threatens to systemically oppress LGBTQ students. The time for educators to demonstrate their allyship is now.

TT’s NEW LGBTQ Best Practices Guide

We’ve learned a lot in the last few years about what LGBTQ students need to thrive. This excerpt from our new guide offers insight into how even small policy adjustments can make a big difference in the lives of queer and nonbinary students.

Is There a #BBQBecky or #PermitPatty in Your Classroom?

The recent rash of viral stories featuring white people who call the cops on law-abiding black people is an iteration of implicit bias that happens in schools every day. It’s time for educators to self-reflect.

SPLC’s ‘Whose Heritage?’ Report: A Teaching Opportunity

Across the country, schools, monuments and statues pay homage to the Confederacy. A new report can help teach the history behind these public fixtures—and how they spread throughout the South and beyond.

Hate at School: April 2018

Unsafe school environments from coast to coast underscore the severity of the 38 school-based episodes of hate and bias we tracked during the month of April.