
Gauri has more than 12 years of experience as a lawyer, and she has practiced law in both India and the United States. In 2015, she chose to follow her passion and left her legal career to start KitaabWorld, an online platform which advocates for representation of South Asian children's literature in the mainstream through curated content. This platform creates context and fosters community. Manglik is also the co-author of Muslims in Story: Expanding Multicultural Understanding Through Children's and YA Literature. The mother of two boys, she is passionate about making South Asian culture fun and accessible for children, as well as sharing her love for diverse children's books.

Articles by Gauri

Diwali in the Classroom: A Parent’s Perspective

Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, is celebrated by more than a billion people all over the world. Here are a few ways you can teach your students about Diwali—and promote multicultural understanding.

Teaching About Ramadan and Eid

Ramadan begins today. Discuss this Muslim holy month with students—and take a step toward countering Islamophobia.