
Hoyt is the deputy director for Program Management & Operations at Learning for Justice. Before joining LFJ, he taught reading and social studies at a nationally recognized leadership elementary magnet school. He has extensive experience working with a statewide nonprofit designing and facilitating leadership and social justice experiential programming for K-12 students and staff. He enjoys exploring the intersection of equity and inclusion work with his passion for yoga and meditation.

Articles by Hoyt

Time Spent Building Community Is Never Time Wasted

LFJ Deputy Director Hoyt Phillips offers insight into the significance of intentional and consistent relationship building—inside the classroom and beyond.

Ban? No, Teach the Topics.

Gender, sexuality and religion are common themes in challenged books of 2015. Rather than effectively ban these topics from the classroom, TT recommends teaching about them and offers student texts to do so.

Breaking My Silence About 9/11 in Class

When LFJ’s manager for teaching and learning—then a fifth-grade teacher—shared his personal story about the 9/11 attacks with his students, a fascinating, in-depth conversation about narrative writing occurred.