J. Mark

Mark Coleman has been a teacher with Montgomery Public Schools for more than a decade. Most of that time was as a technology coordinator. Besides teaching social studies in a paperless environment, he’s taught web development, Adobe photoshop, Adobe flash and sound recording. A long-time evangelist for the power of new media and social networking tools, he strives to bring the power of user/student-related content into the classroom. He was named the 2011 winner of Alabama’s Marbury award for technology innovation in the classroom. He has presented at conferences for Alabama Educational Technology, Georgia Educational Technology and Mississippi Educational Computing Association.

Articles by J. Mark

Religious Diversity Must Include Nonbelievers

A recent issue of Teaching Tolerance magazine addressed two subjects that I see converging in news stories from around the country – intolerant attitudes toward students who are atheist and teachers using their positions to bully students.

Poverty is No Laughing Matter

A few years ago, a picture from The Roanoke Times became the fodder for emails and blog posts. It spread across the Internet in a matter of days, eventually ending up on late-night network talk shows. It began as part of a simple and obscure local news story about road construction. In the article, a pregnant woman in her 30s wondered what effect the high decibel sounds of jackhammers and earth-moving equipment would have on her unborn child. What made this conjecture so worthy of scorn and mockery?

Race Relations Scope More Than Black, White

Sometimes teaching at my magnet arts school in Alabama, I can imagine the worst days of racism and intolerance are behind us. Most of the roughly 500 students have genuine, deep friendships across racial lines and very rarely do the old racist memes and tropes raise their ugly heads.