
Jacqueline Yahn is from the Ohio Valley, part of the greater Appalachian region. She earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary English education from West Liberty State College and a master’s degree from Ohio State University. She currently teaches seventh-grade language arts in Central Ohio and is a doctoral student at Ohio University where she is pursuing a degree in educational administration with a focus on rural and Appalachian education.

Articles by Jacqueline

‘Teacher for a Day’ Energizes Students

I wiggle in my desk chair, softly swiveling it ever so gently back and forth, and fidget with my pen. I am a student in my own classroom. At the front of the room stands a teacher in my place. To outside observers the girl dressed in flip flops and jeans pointing at things projected to the white board could not possibly be in charge—if anything they might mistake her as an unruly student who escaped from the confines of her desk.

Taking Mix It Up from Lunch to the Classroom

I lean against my classroom door, fielding questions about last night’s homework and passing out early morning hellos. I watch students disperse into their assigned first-period classes. As I steal a quick sip of my morning coffee, I find myself pausing at this thought: A supposedly unbiased computer system serendipitously placed our students into their respective classes, but is this all there is to mixing it up? No.

Help Students Get Perspective on 9/11

As the country approaches the 10th anniversary of 9/11, Teaching Tolerance bloggers have written about their insights and experiences in the classroom as a result of the attacks. We offer these for your reflection and adoption.