Jan S.

Jan S. Gephardt is an artist, writer and teacher. She holds a degree in art with a minor in journalism and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction with a multicultural education emphasis. She has taught art, graphic design, journalism and publications on the secondary level, and design on the college level. Her students have been recipients of regional, national, and international awards. She continues to write, lecture and teach privately, in addition to making paper sculpture artwork.

Articles by Jan S.

Have You Thanked a Parent Lately?

My third-hour class was a challenge. The students were young, the class was large, and most students just needed a required fine art credit. Not great art lovers, they spent their considerable energy doing everything but their art projects.

Just Listen

Greg arrived at my art room after school to pick up a bulky project. He seemed down. “Is everything ok?” I asked.

In Consideration of Ramadan

During Ramadan, some Muslim students in this educator's school spent time in the media center during lunchtime, but most suffered in the cafeteria. She and her staff worked to change that.

Piecing Together the Puzzle of Bullying

Karl paused at the classroom doorway, his thin face pinched with apprehension as he stared down the hallway. “Is everything all right?” I asked. Startled, he looked at me almost guiltily. “Uh—I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” Karl risked being late by the time he darted out.

Pay-to-Play Nearly Sidelined Student’s Future

“Jamilla may have to quit,” my friend Bob said. “She’s not the only one. This new ‘pay-to-play’ policy could wipe out two-thirds of my team.” Bob was the girls’ soccer coach at our urban high school. For several years he had been growing his program. Finally, his girls were becoming competitive in their league.