
Lauren has been an educator since 2000 and has served as a diversity coordinator and a grade-level team leader. She consults with teachers and administrators on designing curriculum and professional development. Porosoff is the lead author of Curriculum at Your Core: Meaningful Teaching in the Age of Standards, EMPOWER Your Students: ​Tools to Inspire a Meaningful School Experience, and Two-for-One Teaching: Connecting Instruction to Student Values.

Articles by Lauren

Finding Meaning in Class

What if students created academic experiences that fit their values?

"Playing Teacher" Gets in the Way of Teaching

Have you ever found yourself reverting to a “teacher voice” like this blogger? Read how she uses cognitive defusion to help refocus her teaching on her values.

The Activist Award Essay

To close an English unit on social activism, this teacher had her students reflect by recognizing and writing about the activist potential in their classmates.

Exploring Why People Don’t Become Activists

This teacher uses activist memoirs and an engaging exercise to help her students overcome internal barriers to acting on their values.

Reading and Writing to Learn About Activism

Reading and writing about the work of activists helped this teacher and her students realize that they can make social change by starting small.