
Liz N. Clift provides informal education to youth in Denver, Colorado, and volunteers with several organizations that work on food justice issues.

Articles by Liz

When Youth Get to Be Teachers

This afterschool educator empowers her students to step into the role of teacher and share their skills with peers. The outcome? A more positive and inclusive environment.

Trivia and Civil Rights History

An after-school teacher uses trivia to get her elementary students thinking about the world around them—including civil rights history.

Defensive About Diversity Trainings

How do you respond to co-workers who do not recognize their own privileges? An after-school program staff member shares her experience.

Educating Coworkers on Anti-bias Topics

How do you encourage colleagues to participate in sustained conversations about justice, equity and tolerance?

Leveling the Economic Playing Field

Can pro-equity policies reduce divides between the “haves” and “have nots”? An after-school educator thinks so.