
Matthew Halpern is lucky enough to teach kindergarten. He left his former profession as a computer programmer and the hustle and bustle of the corporate world eight years ago to pursue his dream of teaching. Receiving his teaching certification through The University of Southern Maine’s alternative certification program ETEP, he then went on to earn his master’s in literacy education.  His work in the classroom inspires his reflective writing.

Articles by Matthew

The Age of Innocence in a 9/11 World

Each year, as the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, I feel a twinge of trepidation. My students don’t remember that horrible day. It’s not on their radar. I struggle with balancing wanting to honor those who lost their lives and the heroes of that day with the need to respect the innocence and hope of my students. Reconciling these conflicting emotions is always tricky.

Too Young to Yearn to be Thin

Recently, after reading a story about a bike messenger in a big city to my kindergarteners, I asked the students if being a bike messenger was a job they might like. I also asked them to clarify why it would or would not be.

The Boys in the Doll House

Michael needed help. He was in the dress-up center trying, with little luck, to shimmy a shiny turquoise mermaid dress over his head. Clearly he had no clue what he was doing. But the look on his face told me he really wanted to wear the frock. I walked over and helped.