Monita K. Bell is Learning for Justice’s former associate director for editorial and host of The Mind Online podcast. Before joining LFJ, she taught composition and literature courses at Auburn University and Alabama State University; she has also worked as an online writing tutor. Bell is the author of Getting Hair “Fixed”: Black Power, Transvaluation, and Hair Politics.
Monita K.
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Articles by Monita K.
Activism Isn’t a Four-Letter Word
Encouraging students to take an interest in the well-being of others is not indoctrination: It’s the right thing to do.
Making Space
Affinity groups offer a platform for voices often relegated to the margins.
What Is Your American Flag?
Two drastically different images of the American flag have appeared in popular culture. What might they reveal about the state of race relations in the United States?
How Does the TT Community Teach Thanksgiving?
As you consider addressing Thanksgiving in your classroom, the approaches of the educators in our community offer great places to start.
And the Winners Are...
Meet the recipients of the Teaching Tolerance Award for Excellence in Teaching.