
Sara Schmidt is a writer, homeschooling mom, artist, wife and activist from the St. Louis area. Sara has taught in various capacities, from a European at-risk program and college support services to American Red Cross service corps. She writes for the Institute for Democratic Education in America and is inspired by nonconformist teachers, guerrilla learning, free schools, peaceful revolution, living outside the box and above all, kids.

Articles by Sara

Educators Set the Bar for Respect

As a high school sophomore, I loved debate. My coach was a quirky, intelligent man whom I greatly admired. I learned a lot from him. It bothered me, however, that he didn’t seem to respect me because of my choices.

Coming Out as a Safe Zone for LGBT Students?

In an ideal world, our students would be safe to openly be who they are at all times. Since the world we live in is far from ideal, we must support our students’ rights to privacy and trust them to make the decision to reveal their sexuality when they feel the time is right.

Help Students Connect with Heroes, Not Bullies

Today, thousands of people will stand against bullying and wear a blue T-shirt in a worldwide event to raise awareness about bullying. It is known as Blue Shirt Day or World Day of Bullying Prevention.

Unexpected Stereotypes and How to Combat Them

Whether it’s the bully or the blonde, the nerd or the jock, most of us are familiar with a wide range of stereotypes. We’ve also been affected by them. But there are plenty of unexpected stereotypes that need to be acknowledged as well.

Size Bias Does Not Justify Bullying

A war on obesity is raging. Everyone from Jillian Michaels to Michelle Obama is calling for all Americans to lose the fat. But as doctors spend millions of dollars on fat-shaming billboards targeting children and studies proving that dieting simply doesn’t work, one might ask where does encouragement end and bullying begin?