
Sarah Sansbury is a middle and high school English teacher in Georgia. She graduated from the Honors Program at Augusta State University with a bachelor's degree in English education and later completed her master's in curriculum and instruction. 

Articles by Sarah

Mixing It Up at the Bus Stop: A Model

I love my neighborhood. On any given morning at the bus stop, I hear five different languages being spoken. While the words and sounds are different, the context is the same.

Ending Our Own ‘Two Minutes’ Hate’

I had coffee with a colleague recently and we discussed plans for lessons on Sept. 11. Robin outlined her discussion and writing plan based on George Orwell’s 1984—specifically on the “Two Minutes’ Hate” he describes.

Subtle Messages Shape Students

"I just don’t know what to do about Jordan," confessed Mary, whom I’d just met. I don’t know if she was confiding in me because I teach English or because that’s just what one does at a nail salon. “Last year, he spent hours filling his journals and talking about being a writer when he grew up. Now he hardly writes at all. He says he’s not any good at it.”