
Sean is a content strategist and editor in Texas; he is also a former managing editor for Teaching Tolerance. He has written more than 40 non-fiction books, most of them aimed at young adults and teachers. Price served as managing editor at Junior Scholastic magazine, where he collaborated with NBC News on the production of classroom videos.

Articles by Sean

Let the Freedom Rides Roll Through Your Class

When many students think of buses and desegregation, their minds instantly go to Rosa Parks and the 1954 Montgomery Bus Boycott. But the larger civil rights fight over transportation took place seven years later with the Freedom Rides.

BYOD? [Bring Your Own Device]

Relying on personal devices at school raises serious equity questions.

Religion in the Locker Room

What happens when coaches get church-state separation wrong?

Therapy of Lies

‘Conversion therapy’ poses as a medical treatment—but it’s really a type of bullying. Know what it is and how to help when LGBT students are told to ‘pray away the gay.’

Alabama Immigration Law Tough on Students

Now that a federal judge has upheld most of Alabama’s new anti-immigration law, supporters can crow that the state is “No. 1” –at least when it comes to cracking down on immigrants. But what does that crackdown mean, practically speaking?