Susan Gelber Cannon is an educator with over 30 years of experience in elementary and middle school classrooms. She advises the Middle School Student Council, serves as Diversity Coordinator and teaches history, English, Model UN and debate at The Episcopal Academy, in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. She has trained teachers in China and Japan and at international conferences to develop teaching methods to empower students to think, care and act as informed global citizens. She is eager to share resources in character, global, multicultural and peace education via her book—Think, Care, Act: Teaching for a Peaceful Future—and her blog.
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Articles by Susan
Building a Community of Upstanders: Planning
In the final installment of the three-part blog series, this Mix It Up coordinator shares how her school plans for the big event
Building a Community of Upstanders With the ABF
Having laid the groundwork for why her school mixes it up in the first of a three-part series, this Mix Model School coordinator explains how TT’s Anti-bias Framework plays a central role.
Building a Community of Upstanders
A Mix Model School coordinator explains why her school participates in Mix It Up at Lunch Day and how she extended it beyond one day with an in-depth social experiment.