
Welcoming Schools offers tools, lessons and resources to help educators embrace family diversity, avoid gender stereotypes, and end bullying and name-calling in elementary schools. The organization also offers resources for school administrators and educators to support students who don't conform to gender norms. It was initiated by a group of parents and educators to meet the needs of students whose family structures are not well represented or included in school environments. 

Articles by Welcoming

Gender Expectations and a Scary Purple Crayon

Years ago I worked with a child named Justin. A bright, happy child, Justin was a wonderful artist. He loved to create, exploring shapes and colors with crayons and markers and paints. One day, when he was 4 years old, we were coloring together in his big notebook. We had been at it for some time when I picked up a purple crayon and began to add purple to the dazzling array of colors on our page. Almost as soon as I’d begun, Justin dropped his crayon and stared at me.