Student Texts
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Our searchable library of short texts offers a diverse mix of stories and perspectives. This multigenre, multimedia collection aligns with the Common Core's recommendations for text complexity and the Learning for Justice Social Justice Standards.

Choose from informational and literary nonfiction texts, literature, photographs, political cartoons, interviews, infographics and more. You can also filter by text type, grade level, subject and topic.

“The leveled texts have really helped me engage students and introduce them to complex topics in a way they can understand.”

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Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

622 Texts


John Brown's Speech to the Court at His Trial

John Brown was charged with murder, insurrection and treason after the raid on Harpers Ferry. After being found guilty and while awaiting his sentencing, he was asked if there was any reason he should not be given the death sentence. He responded with this speech.
John Brown
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain
November 2, 2015