
Appendix B: Supplemental Materials

An Example of an Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Honest History

Directions: With your colleagues, brainstorm essential questions pertaining to a topic around honest histories. Use the IDJA domains from Learning for Justice’s Social Justice Standards framework to guide your process.

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Family/Caregiver Information and Preference Form

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Template Letter To Contact State Legislators

Dear <State Legislator Name>,

As an educator in <location / district>, I know students are not taught an honest and inclusive history of our country and world and how the legacies of history impact us today. This is a fundamental flaw in our curriculum that leaves students unprepared to take informed action and to become global citizens and future leaders. Honest, accurate and inclusive history education is essential to ensuring students can learn from our past, understand how it influences the present and determine how to work together to build a better future.

I’m reaching out to you because I think my <town / city / district> in <legislator’s region> can do better, wants to do better and needs to do better. I ask you to consider supporting educators in teaching the complete history of the country and diversifying the perspectives represented in our curricula. If we’re ever going to come together as a nation, we must learn about the systems that tear us apart.

As an educator, I have a great deal of information and experience that I would welcome the opportunity to share with you. I request that you or your staff follow up with me to schedule a meeting. Thank you for your consideration. I hope you will pledge to support teachers, students and communities by encouraging educators to teach the truth.

Sincerely, an educator in your district,