
Appendix C: Online Supplement

Learning for Justice Staff

Resources for Critical Practices


I. Curriculum and Instruction

Critical Engagement With Materials

  1. Personal Reflection Activities
  2. Open-Ended and Higher-Order Questions    
  3. Critical Reading
  4. Teaching and Practicing Digital Literacy
  5. Critically Surveying the Curriculum

Supporting All Learners Through Differentiation

  1. Scaffolded Activities
  2. Making Space for Student Choice
  3. Use of Technology to Support Differentiation
    • Enhancing Learning Through Differentiated Technology” by Julie Stern (Edutopia)
    • Free programs that offer students access to dictionaries, translators, text-to-speech capability such as: Actively Learn, Newsela and CommonLit
    • Learning Ally is a program that supports learners by providing access to books that highlight words as a human voice reads the text aloud and is free to some schools and educators.
    • Kami is a free learning tool that allows teachers to turn PDFs into worksheets students can annotate and has features such as a built-in dictionary and text-to-speech capabilities.
    • Immersive Reader is a free Microsoft tool that allows students to use text-to-speech, slow down the speed of the reader and use text decoding support. The tool also offers writing and editing features, a picture dictionary and a built-in translator.
    • Read&Write is an extension for Google Chrome supports differentiation with tools such as writing prediction, text-to-speech and speech-to-text, a picture dictionary, a translator and a dictionary and can be used on all web pages.
  4. Universal Design for Learning

Supporting Student Action

  1. Honoring Students’ Experience and Wisdom
  2. Connecting to Current Events and Real-World Issues
  3. Project-Based Learning
  4. Positioning Students as Agents of Change

Cooperative and Collaborative Learning

  1. Cooperative Learning Roles
  2. Collaboration Between In-Person and Remote Learners
  3. Jigsaw
  4. Value Lines
  5. Let’s Talk!

Social Justice-Based Assessment, Evaluation and Grading

  1. Student Self-Assessments
  2. Scoring Guides and Rubrics
  3. Assessment of Process and Product)
  4. Allowing Multiple Ways for Students to Show Understanding
  5. Centering Student Well-Being While Grading

II. Culture and Climate

Social And Emotional Support

  1. Fostering “Safe-r” and “Brave-r” Spaces
  2. Addressing Positionality, Difference and Bias
  3. Supporting Intellectual Safety
  4. Honoring Student Input, Disclosure and Feedback

Centering Student Experiences

  1. Defining and Expressing Identities
  2. Decentralizing Dominant Identities in School Spaces
  3. Decentralizing Dominant Identities in Curricula
  4. Avoiding and Challenging Stereotypes
    • Hidden Bias Tests for teachers developed by psychologists at Harvard University, the University of Virginia and the University of Washington (Learning for Justice)

Shared Inquiry and Critical Conversations

  1. Naming Shared Inquiry and Ongoing Learning
  2. Let’s Talk! Critical Conversations and Dialogue
  3. Foundations for Student Advocacy and Civic Engagement

Social Justice-Based Community Facilitation

  1. Restorative Practices
  2. Zero Indifference, Not Zero Tolerance
  3. Classroom Community Facilitation
  4. Schoolwide Community Facilitation

III. Leadership

Self-Awareness and Cultural Competency

  1. Self-Assessment
  2. Ongoing Reflection and Learning
  3. Professional Development
  4. Critical Friend Relationships
    • Protocols and Activities can guide critical friends to help each other work toward a specific goal. (The National School Reform Faculty®)

Creating and Upholding Just Systems

  1. Analyzing and Addressing School Policies and Practices
  2. Responding to Hate and Bias at School
  3. Speak Up at School
  4. Leading Beyond the School
  5. Leading Through Crisis

Collaboration and Building Alliances

  1. Collaborative Planning and Interdisciplinary Projects
  2. Professional Learning Communities
  3. Networking
  4. Building Community With Learning for Justice

Student Leadership

  1. Formal Leadership
  2. Student-Led Resource and Affinity Groups
  3. Board Membership
  4. Informal Leadership
  5. Youth in Front

IV. Family and Community Engagement

Recognizing Caregivers as Funds of Knowledge

  1. Recognition of Key Relationships
  2. Building Relationships Among Caregivers
  3. Home Visits
  4. Beginning-of-the-Year Questionnaires or Conversations
  5. Use of Home Languages

Home-to-School Connections                        

  1. Family History and Heritage
  2. Caregiver Service and Engagement Programs
  3. Honoring Family and Community Wisdom in the Classroom
  4. Adult Education Programs
  5. Events for Caregivers

Inclusion of Community Wisdom

  1. Neighborhood Explorations
  2. Connecting With Community Organizations
  3. Integrated Classroom and Community Spaces

Engagement With Community Interests and Concerns

  1. Community Research and Outreach
  2. Student-Designed Community Projects
  3. Supporting Student Action