

Although TT has traditionally focused on serving educators already at work in K–12 schools, the program clearly serves as a potential resource for future teachers, teaching assistants, in-service teachers and the faculty who serve them. The examples in this report show how TT materials can be used throughout education coursework. The reports from faculty already integrating TT materials into their classes demonstrate the ease with which these resources can be incorporated into undergraduate and graduate syllabi.

Uses range from reflective activities for unpacking bias and privilege to practical tasks like unit design. As faculty selected the TT resources that best suited their work in the classroom, they relied on the program’s publications, online tools, text and strategy libraries to add value to their teacher preparation courses.

Taken together, these case studies illustrate a few of the many ways all types of teacher preparation courses can be enhanced through the use of TT materials. In foundations courses, methods courses or enrichment courses, TT can provide valuable support for future educators. When faculty introduce their students to, they introduce them to an extensive set of resources that will encourage, celebrate and support them as they begin the challenging, necessary work of educating for a diverse democracy.