Social Media in the Schoolhouse
This issue of Teaching Tolerance takes an in-depth look at how educators can use social media to teach social justice. It also explores the human side of the complex immigration debate and suggests ways for educators to debunk the misinformation about immigration students may bring with them to school.
Other critical topics in this issue include combating anti-Muslim bias, improving diversity in STEM classes, teaching about human trafficking and changing attitudes about bullies. Dive in!
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Social Media in the Schoolhouse
Twitter, Google Docs and their cousins shrink the spaces between cultures even as they expand the reach of a typical classroom. How can you use them to promote social justice?

Planting Seeds, Growing Diversity
STEM classes have long been dominated by white males. Here are ways to make these fields more attractive to girls and students of color.

The Human Face of Immigration
Students challenge stereotypes when they see the people behind the slogans.

Ten Myths About Immigration
Debunk the misinformation students bring to school—and help them think for themselves.

Human Trafficking
Slavery never went away, and students need to know how it affects today’s world.

Combating Anti-Muslim Bias
Followers of Islam face widespread prejudice in the United States. How can teachers help students overcome these attitudes?

Your Students Love Social Media ... and So Can You
Want to engage students? Meet them on society’s newest public square.

Getting Past the ‘Digital Divide’
Educators who can work around obstacles and recognize the promise of new technologies are making a difference.

Bully, Bullied, Bystander...and Beyond
Help your students choose a new role.

Injustice on Our Plates
Our food supply depends on immigrant labor. Seven new Teaching Tolerance lessons bring this important message into the classroom.