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Graphics Class Offers Success for All

Working in an urban high school has many challenges. My first computer graphics class was no exception. The computers were old PCs and the software was a pared-down version of a program that had failed to meet standards of the graphic design industry. My class contained a mix of special education students and youths with a reputation for disrupting classrooms.

Lesson From Muslim Student Teaches Whole School

Last spring, a fifth-grade girl approached me in the lunchroom with a question. Asalah is a Muslim student from Yemen. Our connection had started right there in the school cafeteria two years ago. I was passing out trays and sporks when the third-grade version of Asalah approached me with a question about whether or not the “ham” sandwich was really pork. I told her no, that it was turkey, and shared with her that my religion, Judaism, has dietary laws as well and that I don’t eat pork either. We’ve been pals ever since.

Sarah Kotleba

Sarah Kotleba earned her bachelor's degree in elementary education from the University of Iowa and her master's in language acquisition and literacy instruction from San Francisco State University. She has taught in public, faith-based private and secular independent schools in grades 2 through 4 and has worked as a literacy specialist and English language development teacher. She has done work in international comparative education in New Zealand and Israel. Sarah currently works as an instructional reform facilitator in California.

How to Seat Students

There are so many ways to mix up student seating at lunch that it can be paralyzing to consider them all. Don’t let this be a stumbling block. The outcome is the same, no matter the path that gets you there: You want to get students to sit with different people at lunch, and you want them to have a conversation so they get to know each other a bit.

Can My Sikh Student Carry a Sword?

Perhaps you’ve been wondering about the long hair of the Sikh student in your classroom. Or maybe you’ve joined debates about whether your Sikh student can carry a sword in the classroom. Perhaps you’ve mistaken your Sikh student for a Muslim all along. To help prevent misunderstandings in your school, here are some facts to know about Sikhs.