
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,320 Results


Kevin Cordi

Kevin Cordi is a professional storyteller, assistant professor at Ohio University Lancaster, author, and past advisor for Secret Kindness Agents and “The Wonder Team,” based on the book Wonder. He serves on the Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board. He is the author of You Don’t Know Jack: Storyteller Goes to School (March 2019) and Playing With Stories: Story Crafting for Writers, Teachers, and other Imaginative Thinkers (2014). You can reach him at or

Gabriel Smith

Gabriel Smith serves as a Policy Fellow with the Congressional Black Caucus and the Capitol Hill office of New York Congressman Ritchie Torres. Previously, Smith worked as the Senior Associate for Learning and Dissemination with National Community Action Partnership (NCAP). In this role, he managed several learning cohorts of anti-poverty professionals from across the country as they explored the causes of poverty unique to their respective communities. Prior to his time at NCAP, Smith worked with Learning for Justice as the Program Associate responsible for curating LFJ’s text library and