
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


Rick Mula

Rick Mula is an Equal Justice Works Fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center. The aim of Rick’s fellowship project is to reduce the discrimination that LGBT youth living in Tennessee and Alabama experience in the education, child welfare and juvenile justice systems. His fellowship is sponsored by the Mansfield Family Foundation. Rick graduated cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 2015 where he received a graduate certificate in gender, sexuality and women’s studies. Rick was also awarded the Dean Jefferson B. Fordham Human Rights Award and the Blank Rome Alvin Ackerman

Lauryn Mascareñaz

Lauryn has over 10 years experience as an elementary classroom teacher, literacy instructional coach and culturally responsive trainer. She was formerly a teaching and learning specialist with Teaching Tolerance. She holds a bachelor's degree in American Studies and a master's of education degree in culturally responsive teaching, both from the University of Colorado. She is currently working on her doctorate in education at Vanderbilt University. Lauryn has a passion for educating teachers on engagement strategies and is particularly interested in closing the opportunity gap for young males

Magical Cloaks and Targets?

In the wake of more shootings, this white educator and father contemplates how he can undermine a system that makes his sons and him safer than their African-American counterparts.

Cecile Jones

Cecile joined Teaching Tolerance in August 2014 as an administrative assistant, bringing with her extensive experience in customer service and administration. Before coming to TT, she worked as a product support coordinator at VT Miltope in Hope Hull, Alabama, and as an administrative assistant at Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. At TT she provides support to the entire team, helping with any administrative duties and providing customer service support.