
What We’re Reading This Week: September 30

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.


The Atlantic: “Louisiana is slated to spend less than half of 1 percent of state general funds on early childcare and education this year.”

CNN: “American Muslims say they live under a dark cloud of suspicion. In 2014, they surpassed atheists as the country’s ‘least accepted’ religious group.”

Education Week: “What should educators keep in mind when engaging students in topics of race and police violence?”

Governing: “‘What is the trauma when I take a 10-year-old child who potentially is being abused at home, sexually or physically, a child who’s maybe not been eating, and I arrest them without ever asking what's going on in their lives?’”

The Hechinger Report: “More than a dozen states failed to provide services to over 40 percent of [people with disabilities] they themselves deemed eligible. And many more states have left people in limbo for months, despite laws that expressly forbid that.”

Huffington Post: “The pervasiveness of anti-Muslim bullying reflects a growing wave of Islamophobic hostility and hate crimes in California and across the nation.”

National Public Radio: “Because of implicit bias, teachers are spending too much time watching black boys and expecting the worst.”

The New York Times: “Even after this election is over, a divided nation will remain—and teachers will always be in a uniquely powerful position to help young people learn how to talk to each other across those divides.”

San Francisco Examiner: “Building housing for teachers, paraprofessionals and administrators [will] ‘attract and retain quality educators and invest in the future of our children.’”

Pew Research Center: “Only about a third of blacks but roughly three-quarters of whites say police in their communities do an excellent or good job.”

Shannon Dingle: “Maybe white pushback to the African American Museum isn’t about black history. It’s about white history and the discomfort we have in owning it all.”

The Washington Post: “‘No one needs to be punished for stealing a 65-cent carton of milk. … This officer treats kids like they’re criminals, and guess what happens — they’re going to become criminals.’”

If you come across a current article or blog you think other educators should read, please send it to, and put “What We’re Reading This Week” in the subject line.