
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,318 Results


John Adams

John L. Adams received his Bachelor and Master of Arts in English, History and African-American Studies from the University of Wisconsin and his PhD. from Rutgers University.

Ava’s Words Teach Social Justice Lesson

Ava, an 8th-grade student in my after-school creative writing class came to me to discuss a story she was working on. She was writing a fictional story about a gay teenager who struggles with his sexuality and coming out. Even early on in the process, I was impressed with her ability to look at this story as a complex study in understanding—giving a voice to, and respectfully exploring, the conflicts of a gay teen.

Appendix: Worksheets

Section One: Before a Crisis Occurs Worksheet 1—Our School Climate Team ( page 1, page 2) Worksheet 2— Our Policies Worksheet 3—What is the Climate of Our School? ( page 1, page 2) Worksheet 4— Preparation Checklist
August 27, 2012

Lessons Learned

Debriefing is an essential step in the postcrisis process. Bring together the incident response team to review lessons learned. But don’t stop there. “Always make sure there’s an opportunity for exchange with multiple
August 27, 2012

Promote Healing

A hateful act has rocked the school, and the crisis-response effort continues to move forward. It’s easy to get so focused on specific tasks—investigating the incident, handling the press conference, addressing the
August 27, 2012