
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

5,322 Results


‘LGBT Content. Access Denied’

A couple of years ago, an acquaintance who worked at the local college where I was teaching had trouble sending and receiving emails. She couldn’t, for the life of her, figure out why. Then an IT administrator clued her in: Her first name—Gay—triggered the school’s Internet filters. They were set to block any references to homosexuality, gender identity, etc.

Remembering Howard Zinn

As a young newspaper reporter in Texas, I covered my fair share of speeches. The thrill of hearing an important person give carefully prepared remarks wore off quickly. So I got in the habit of turning away from the speaker and watching the crowd.

Discipline That Works

Earlier this month, hundreds of educators, parents and students gathered at the Educating Youth of Color Summit in Colorado Springs, Colo. That the state’s 4th Judicial District sponsored the event was no accident.

Bob Blaisdell

Bob Blaisdell is a professor of English at City University of New York's Kingsborough Community College. He received his undergraduate degree and his Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Elizabeth Varela

Elizabeth Varela taught ESL in elementary and secondary schools for nine years. She holds a Ph.D. in applied linguistics from Georgetown University and has been an adjunct professor at The George Washington University and an assistant professor and acting coordinator of the TESOL program in the College of Education at the University of Maryland. Varela is an elementary ESL specialist and principal investigator for a Title VII project for the Arlington Public Schools.

Pat Clark

Dr. Pat Clark is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education in the Department of Elementary Education at Ball State University in Muncie, IN. Pat teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in diversity and early childhood education. She also frequently takes students on off-campus study trips and has traveled with students to Mexico, Jamaica, and the U.S. Southwest. Pat's research interests currently focus on preservice and inservice teacher attitudes towards diversity and the types of experiences that impact those attitudes. Along with Eva Zygmunt-Fillwalk and other faculty and