
Grade Level
Social Justice Domain

2,549 Results


Veterans discover solace in service

“Marine Corporal Jeremy Dobbins returned to Dayton, Ohio, from duty in Afghanistan with an 80% disability rating and issues with anger. Trained in service to others, veterans often resist the idea that they themselves need help and they have difficulty with sharing their war experiences with family and friends. An oral history project at Wright State University is giving Jeremy and other young veterans a chance to help older veterans recover their stories of war, and to come to terms with their own.”
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Grade Level
Social Studies
Social Justice Domain
June 26, 2019

Part I: Creating Your Group

Before You Begin: The Planning Committee Getting the Right Folks and the Right Data to the Table Once you’ve decided to start a social justice reading group, it’s tempting to jump right into conversations with young
October 16, 2019

Angela Glover Blackwell

Angela Glover Blackwell, Founder in Residence at PolicyLink, started the organization in 1999 with a mission of advancing racial and economic equity for all. Through her writing, speaking and leadership, Angela has helped to grow and define a national equity movement focused on innovating and improving public policy with a wide range of partners to ensure access and opportunity for all low-income people and communities of color, particularly in the areas of building an equitable economy, health, housing, transportation, infrastructure, and arts and culture. Prior to founding PolicyLink, Angela