The Moment Archive

The Moment is LFJ’s online editorial column, which contains articles and content to address what is happening in social justice education—and society—right now.
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Setting Up for Success After Winter Break

Returning from winter break is a great opportunity to start fresh when it comes to classroom climate, approaches to discipline and post-break banter. In this edition of The Moment, we offer strategies on each of these topics and more.

Winter Break Self-care

We know many of you will spend winter break reflecting on your work this fall and planning for the spring. But we hope you'll take some time for yourself, as well. These TT resources offer recommendations for preventing, recognizing and addressing teacher burnout so you can bring your best self back to your students in the new year.

Fighting Hate at Schools

For more than a year, TT has been tracking media reports of hate incidents in schools across the country. One thing we've discovered: Only a fraction of the incidents that happen actually make it into the news. This edition of The Moment includes a link to our educator survey so you can help us compile a more complete picture of how hate shows up at school. You'll also find our November Hate at Schools report, along with our guide Responding to Hate and Bias.

Rethinking Winter Holidays

Many schools enjoy celebrating a non-religious "holiday season" but clearly favor Christmas in their traditions and decor. Moreover, important non-Christian holidays that don't occur in December are often overlooked completely. This edition of The Moment offers resources that can help your school community become more inclusive by reflecting on how and when holidays show up in your hallways, assemblies and classrooms.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

With the news of U.S. Border Patrol officers using tear gas against asylum-seekers in Mexico—affecting, among others, small children—we are reminded of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As its 70th anniversary approaches, we invite you to introduce its depth and relevance to your students with these resources—and to remember its enduring words: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."