Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in Learning for Justice. If you have questions that are not addressed on this page, please contact us.

New Name

Why did the name change from Teaching Tolerance to Learning for Justice?

Throughout our program’s history, we’ve received feedback from people who felt the word “tolerance” fell short and that our aims should be higher. Our typical response has been to offer UNESCO's more inclusive definition: “Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. Tolerance is harmony in difference.”  As our mission and work matured, even that broader definition of the word “tolerance” no longer fit what our program was about. We started out with a focus on reducing prejudice, but our focus has expanded into the realm of social action to address injustice. As our director Jalaya Liles Dunn phrased it in our final issue of Teaching Tolerance magazine before changing the title, “In shifting from Teaching Tolerance to Learning for Justice, we’re offering an urgent call to action: We must learn, grow and wield power together. That’s how we will make justice real in our lives and in the lives of the students, families, educators and communities we serve.”

My Account

My school is not showing up on the map. How do I register?

If your organization is not showing up on the map, you can skip the map and choose an option from the drop-down menu below it. If you're subscribing to the magazine, you'll be able to enter your mailing address manually. Please contact us if you’re still having trouble signing up.

I’m already subscribed to the newsletter. Do I still need to sign up for an account? 

You can access most of the materials on our site without creating an account. With a free account, though, you can take full advantage of everything the site has to offer. Sign up today to subscribe to the magazine, create learning plans, view our full library of student texts, bookmark and comment on your favorite articles or lessons, and order film kits.

Reprints and Permissions

How do I get permission to reprint an article from the Learning for Justice website? 

Please feel free to make copies of any of our materials for educational use, or to link to any of the materials on our website. To request permission to republish our materials in print or online please fill out this form. We happily accept all permission requests, as long as the republished material is not modified and is cited in accordance with our guidelines. Our acceptance of permission requests does not constitute endorsement or partnership. Please note that we cannot grant permission to reprint images or licensed material.

For more detailed guidelines on using and reprinting LFJ resources, click here.

Orders and Subscriptions

Is there a way to access the DVD film kits that were once available to order on the website?

We’re no longer offering DVDs for order. Please note that we do have several other film kits available for streaming.

For copyright reasons, we are not able to offer some of our previous films for streaming. 

How much do the Learning for Justice film kits cost? 

Our film kits, along with all of the other materials we offer on our site, are FREE.


I’m interested in attending an upcoming webinar, but I’m not available at the scheduled time. Is there a way to watch it after the live date? 

Yes! All of our webinars are posted on our website after the live events. If you do not think you’ll be able to attend the webinar live, register anyway. We’ll send you a link to the on-demand version of the webinar so that you can watch at your convenience. You can also access any of our past webinars here.