Amanda Ryan

Amanda Ryan Fear has served as an art teacher, leadership teacher, and dean of students at a large, comprehensive high school in the Portland, Oregon area.  She is a doctoral candidate in education methodology, policy and leadership at the University of Oregon and works with preservice teachers on community building and equity issues in the classroom. Her professional interests include leadership for equity, student voice and college readiness.  She recently became a mother and misses sleep.  

Articles by Amanda Ryan

Poetry Finds a Home in Art Class

Writing poetry is an excellent way for students to explore identity and find meaning and value in everyday experiences.

We Don’t See Racism?

Two afternoons a week, I tutor a high school junior in English and history and enjoy gleaning insights into a different school community than the one in which I work. My client Mary attends a school with a predominantly white and wealthy student population. I work mainly with students of color from families who live in poverty.

Defining Home

I was apprehensive about beginning a unit on the concept of home in my high school art class. I’m still getting to know my students and was wary of delving in to such a personal topic without knowing what it might bring up for them. I want a curriculum centered on students’ lives, but also like to have an idea of what to expect.

How To End Food Fights? Ask the Students

It happened again today. I was standing in the cafeteria when I heard the dreaded sound of yelling, chairs scraping the floor and students scurrying for cover coming from the other side of the room. Food fight. Ugh. I rushed over to find french fries, ketchup and peaches everywhere and students complaining about another destroyed lunch.

Finding Money to Save Adam

As dean of students, I’m sitting at my desk passing time one morning when my radio crackles. “There was just a fight in the courtyard,” says a teacher. “I’m bringing both of the students in right now.” I sigh in frustration and turn to watch the security-camera footage on my computer. Sure enough, there are two students facing off in the courtyard. Oh no, I think. Please don’t let that be who I think it is.