Amanda Ryan

Amanda Ryan Fear has served as an art teacher, leadership teacher, and dean of students at a large, comprehensive high school in the Portland, Oregon area.  She is a doctoral candidate in education methodology, policy and leadership at the University of Oregon and works with preservice teachers on community building and equity issues in the classroom. Her professional interests include leadership for equity, student voice and college readiness.  She recently became a mother and misses sleep.  

Articles by Amanda Ryan

Thoughts for a New Teacher

It’s with mixed emotions that I approach my last day working with the group of student teachers in the graduate course I am teaching. There is so much to learn. Following are lessons I hope all preservice teachers will take as they embark upon the most challenging and rewarding task of their lives: becoming teachers.

Never Give Up on Finding Dreams

I’m sitting in my office with Sam, a senior, whose counselor brought him to see me. He missed more school than he attended last year and has started this school year in similar fashion. His counselor thought that a meeting with me might help emphasize the importance of better choices.

The Mistake That Led to a Great Lesson

I used to tell my art students that some of the best art comes from mistakes. It seems the same is true for teaching. If we can be flexible enough to recognize the lesson in mistakes, we can go a long way with our students.

The Power of Listening

“But nobody here listens to me,” Saul lamented as he tried to explain why he was in my office yet again this week. “I don’t know why I even bother to come here.” His refrain is a familiar one in my large, suburban high school. I have a feeling it’s a familiar one in high schools across the country. Our kids are crying out to be heard, and unfortunately, those cries often result in disciplinary referrals.