
Cory is an author and journalist and a former senior writer for Learning for Justice. He has experience in both the newsroom—as a former sports journalist—and the classroom, where he has provided reading intervention and tutoring for K–6 students from rural Kentucky to Charlotte, North Carolina.

Articles by Cory

Supporting LGBTQ Students During Social Distancing

Experts at The Trevor Project offer recommendations for supporting LGBTQ students through school closures.

Teaching Through Coronavirus: What Educators Need Right Now

We asked educators what they need, and we listened. We hope this message—and these resources—offer some help.

Why Lunch Shaming Persists

Lunch inequities have gone on for decades, but there’s a clear solution.

DACA Is in the Supreme Court. How About Your Classroom?

On November 12, hearings begin for the Supreme Court cases that could decide the fate of DACA. It’s an opportunity for educators to start an important conversation.

The Youth-Led Global Climate Strike and Celebrating Student Action

This Friday, students worldwide will strike to demand action on climate change. Educators should take the opportunity to support student learning and action.