
Cory is an author and journalist and a former senior writer for Learning for Justice. He has experience in both the newsroom—as a former sports journalist—and the classroom, where he has provided reading intervention and tutoring for K–6 students from rural Kentucky to Charlotte, North Carolina.

Articles by Cory

Teaching Stonewall

Stonewall’s history remains largely forgotten—and unknown among young people. In the cultural imagination, it remains shrouded in myth. But the true Stonewall story can be taught. Here’s how—and why.

Educators and Their #Community: Finding Solidarity on Social Media

How social justice educators are using social media to find support, a platform and PD.

Finding Resolve After the New Zealand Mosque Shootings

The mosque shootings in New Zealand may be far away, but this is an opportunity to help students understand and actively participate in a better tomorrow.

One Year After Parkland, A Reminder to Take Pride in Students’ Action

On the anniversary of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, we remember the students and educators we've lost and recognize those who have mobilized their grief into action.

Is “Queer” OK To Say? Here’s Why We Use It

Queer: pejorative or reappropriated term? Yes and yes. But after members of our community questioned our use of the word, we want to explain.