
Jonathan teaches seventh- and eighth-grade history at Moses Brown School, a Quaker school in Providence, Rhode Island. His classes focus on developing students’ historical thinking skills while inspiring them to consider issues of injustice and morality in the past and present. He values authentic inquiry, student-led learning and the art of discussion. Twitter: @jonathansgold.

Articles by Jonathan

‘Browder v. Gayle’

The most important civil rights case you’ve never heard of.

Teaching With Uncertainty

This middle school history teacher uses complexity—and all the uncertainty that comes along with it—as the starting point for his unit on the Middle East.

Teaching About Stereotypes 2.0

This history teacher elevates his lessons on stereotyping to the next level. How? By engaging his students in reflective investigations of power, history and intention.

Shifting Out of Neutral

A history teacher leaves the struggle for objectivity behind.

Teaching Students About Historical Significance

How can educators push their students to think past a static understanding of history in developmentally appropriate ways? This teacher offers some insights from his classroom.