
Jonathan teaches seventh- and eighth-grade history at Moses Brown School, a Quaker school in Providence, Rhode Island. His classes focus on developing students’ historical thinking skills while inspiring them to consider issues of injustice and morality in the past and present. He values authentic inquiry, student-led learning and the art of discussion. Twitter: @jonathansgold.

Articles by Jonathan

A Classroom Discussion About the Media, Trust and Knowledge

Encouraging students to think through problems in the contemporary media landscape can help them become more active, open-minded knowledge-seekers.

Teaching Students About Confirmation Bias

Concerns about the impact of fake news are actually concerns about learning to know. That’s why teaching about confirmation bias is imperative.

Learning How to Know in 2017

How do your students learn how to know? And what does your teaching look like in the face of a devaluing of shared truth, deepening political polarization and the mainstreaming of intolerance?

Neutrality Won’t Work

A middle school history teacher reflects on how neutrality won’t work in the face of bigotry, xenophobia and fearmongering—and what that means for his classroom practice.

Finding Common Ground

Wouldn’t it be productive if schools established school-wide norms for civil discourse this fall?