
What We’re Reading This Week: February 17

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.


The Atlantic: “The school is a place of welcome for teenagers who are refugees, asylum-seekers, and other recent immigrants. The aim is to give students who speak little English—and often had little formal education in their home countries—the skills to graduate from high school and thrive in the U.S.”

The Cincinnati Enquirer: “Ohio schools dole out up to 36,000 suspensions to elementary students each year —a number that stunned a Republican lawmaker into seeking a ban on many suspensions and expulsions.”

CNN: “‘The DOJ should be a champion for all students’ civil rights and by signaling a willingness to be bound by the injunction nationwide they ae [sic] certainly signaling they aren’t intending to pursue civil rights for transgender people.’”

The Huffington Post: “[Artist Erica] Deeman then wondered, if she created images depicting black men in a more dignified light, would they have the power to shatter expectations with no firm footing in reality?”

Mark Maynard: “I was being silenced, it seemed, because it was not okay to make a female of color feel safe if it also meant that a white male would be made to feel uncomfortable.”

National Public Radio: “‘In looking at this issue, people seem to want a quick solution to fake news, but I’m not sure there is a solution (at least an easy one). … Students need to recognize that these skills and ideas need to stay with them through adulthood.’”

The New York Times: “To talk about how we got where we are today, we have to start with slavery and see how the justice system took over as a system of social control.”

The New York Times: “What makes someone American? How do you define American identity? When do you feel most American? Or least?”

Teen Vogue: “Jackie was born in the United States, which automatically makes her a citizen. But her mom was born in Mexico. That difference, and its consequences, might appear obvious for young adults, but Jackie got a crash course in immigration law while she was still in grade school.”

Vox: “‘Kids were sobbing, especially immigrant children, saying they were going to get sent back to Guinea, Senegal, Yemen. They were totally distraught.’”

The Washington Post: “Now, ICE knows exactly where to find [Jeanette] Vizguerra. The question is whether they will enter a church to retrieve her.”

If you come across a current article or blog you think other educators should read, please send it to, and put “What We’re Reading This Week” in the subject line.