
What We’re Reading This Week: January 17, 2020

A weekly sampling of articles, blogs and reports relevant to TT educators.

The Questions Sex-Ed Students Always Ask 

The Atlantic 

“There is this knowledge that we keep in a box about sexuality, waiting until kids are ‘old enough.’ My job is to change that.” 


When Teachers Get Sick, Taking Leave Can Be Tough 

Education Week 

“Teachers often put themselves on the back burner. But part of being a good educator is taking care of ourselves. Kids need to witness that, too, and have a whole, healthier teacher.” 


What Students Are Saying About 2020, Growing Up in Another Era, and Distraction 

The New York Times 

“20 years from now, I’d hope society has progressed even further. Past the gun violence, and climate destruction, and homophobia, and police brutality, and veiled bigotry. I hope that 20 years from now, my kids or their friends don’t feel like they have to aspire towards the past.” 


Doing Race Talk with Teachers 

Rethinking Schools 

“I try to make it clear that I’m not here to absolve them of guilt or make them feel bad for the past. My concern is kids and what kind of teacher my students are going to be. ...  Instead of guilt, I ask students to think about privilege and the consequences of injustice.” 


As Tensions With Iran Escalate, It Is Time to Challenge Empire in the Classroom 


“‘Empire’ is not part of our everyday lexicon as educators. For some, the term is at odds with the dominant image of the U.S. as a global force for good. Yet, one cannot understand the political and economic might of the U.S. without contextualizing it as a settler-colonial state, with more than 800 military bases around the world, and with a history of intervention in Latin America, Africa and Asia.”