The Moment Archive

The Moment is LFJ’s online editorial column, which contains articles and content to address what is happening in social justice education—and society—right now.
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Make 'Never Again' a Meaningful Commitment

For Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoa), education is important so that we never forget the horrors that hate manifests. But for truly meaningful commitment to learning from and preventing such atrocities, we must come together in the urgency of now—in combating censorship about our country's history, in teaching about racism and the systems of anti-Black oppression, and in countering the patterns of hate in our nation and world today. The Holocaust is not just a singular event of the past; every generation must make the commitment to "never again," and that begins with education.

Advocate for the Well-Being of Black Children

Anti-Blackness is pervasive and has material consequences for all people, including and especially Black children whose presence is often overlooked—and, ironically, villainized—in favor of all things that uphold white supremacy. These LFJ resources offer specific actions educators, parents, caregivers and communities can take to insist upon the well-being of Black children.

Observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month With Education and Support

When a young person experiences sexual assault, a survivor-centered approach—from parents, caregivers, educators and everyone involved in the survivor’s life—is essential. These LFJ resources, including a new article outlining strategies for supporting survivors and their families, offer information about ways to help.

Respond With Care in Support of Young People

People are continuously struggling to respond when traumatizing events occur. This time it’s the devastation in Mississippi following deadly tornadoes. For families, educators and community members who must respond to the needs of children as a traumatizing event unfolds, this new LFJ article and resources can help.

Working Toward Solidarity This Women's History Month

Let’s honor all women this Women's History Month by understanding how anti-Blackness, transphobia and white supremacy prevent unity. LFJ’s newest article examines how the Women’s March—with its high points and pitfalls—and the subsequent activism it inspired play a role in highlighting the precarious position of women’s autonomy and human rights, worldwide. These LFJ resources remind us that self-awareness, solidarity and self-care are all requirements in the fight for social justice.