The Moment Archive

The Moment is LFJ’s online editorial column, which contains articles and content to address what is happening in social justice education—and society—right now.
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Reckoning With Honest History Through Ongoing Education

Young people aren't alone in seeking opportunities to learn honest history, and the classroom isn't the only location where such education can take place. In various community spaces—including virtual ones—many adults are also willing to do the work reckoning with our nation’s history of anti-Blackness and white supremacy, recognizing that past in the present and finding liberatory ways forward. These LFJ resources highlight possibilities for self-reflection and ongoing learning. 

Selma, Alabama: Honoring the Past and Fighting for the Future

As we mark the 58th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery march and witness the current assault on voting rights, particularly those rights of Black citizens, it’s imperative to connect the not-so-distant past to the present. These LFJ resources—including an interactive digital platform created in conjunction with the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research—can help remind us all of the sacrifices made in the name of democracy, provide context for the present, and inspire our continuing fight for justice.

Helping Young People Grapple With Gun Violence and Extremism

Parents and caregivers must be intentional about the amount of content young people in their lives consume when it comes to gun violence, especially when such violence is motivated by extremism. Exposure to media coverage of these events should be accompanied by time for young people to reflect, discuss, ask questions and contextualize gun violence. These LFJ resources can provide additional understanding for these conversations.

Celebrate African and Indigenous Cultures

Reading about and celebrating African and Indigenous histories and cultures can be among the powerful first steps for children to engage with and expand their understanding of the world around them. And discussing commonalities across cultures helps children develop a strong sense of self and identity while recognizing and honoring diversity. To support these conversations and learning experiences, LFJ offers parents, caregivers and educators talking points, activities and book recommendations.

Discussing the History of Slavery With Children

The 1619 Project series airing on Hulu during Black History Month reminds us of the importance for parents and caregivers, along with teachers, to talk with children about slavery in age-appropriate ways. LFJ’s new article and our supplemental resources—podcasts and short videos—provide recommendations for conversations and user-friendly access to information about the history and legacy of slavery.