
Dr. Amanda Morris is an Associate Professor of writing and rhetoric at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. Her scholarship and much of her public writing and speaking engagements focus on contemporary Indigenous rhetorics. Her academic writing can be found in Rhetoric Review, Epiphany, WSQ, Journal of American Culture, Enthymema, South Atlantic Review, and the books Stand Up Comedy and Rhetoric (Routledge, 2016) and Decolonizing Native American Rhetoric: Communicating Self-Determination (Peter Lang, 2018).

Articles by Amanda

#NoDAPL: Teaching the Value of Protest

The protests at Standing Rock offer four valuable lessons for students of all ages.

Helping Students Connect With Standing Rock

The Sioux Nation protest of the Dakota Access Pipeline is taking on greater significance each day. Don’t miss the opportunity to teach about history in the making.

Seven Native American Films for High School Teachers

Films are a dynamic way to incorporate accurate instruction and promote cultural awareness of contemporary Native American experiences. Check out this recommended list.

Teaching Thanksgiving in a Socially Responsible Way

Educators have an ethical obligation to teach accurately about Thanksgiving. Here are some online resources that can help.

Reconsider Columbus Day

Teachers have the power to change the practice of celebrating Columbus to a practice of celebrating indigenous peoples’ presence, endurance and accomplishments. This blogger suggests how to do just that.