
With 20 years of experience as a writer and editor, Lisa approaches projects with the accuracy of a journalist and the curiosity of a storyteller. Her work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, blogs, books and nonprofit publications. Her expertise includes education, parenting, social policy, youth violence, philanthropy and social activism. You can find Applegate on her website.

Articles by Lisa

Proposed Medicaid Funding Cuts Could Devastate Special Education

The U.S. House’s proposed health care bill sends a clear message that special education mandates aren’t on its funding priority list.

Access to College in New York—and Beyond

The free college tuition movement is gaining some traction.

Starving Schools to Feed Privatization

President Trump’s budget proposal uses the pretense of civil rights to further his school choice agenda—at the expense of research-based public school programming.

Standing Up for the Undocumented

Teachers, principals and school districts nationwide are grappling with how to respond to the increase in deportations and heightened fears of students and families.