
Pamela Cytrynbaum teaches writing and multimedia storytelling at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. At Brandeis University she taught in American Studies, served as associate director of the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism and director of the Justice Brandeis Innocence Project. She taught courses in writing and in New Media Communications in the English Department at Oregon State University. She writes for NBC Universal in Woman on the Verge and is a former staff writer for The Chicago Tribune and The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune. Her writing has also appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Chicago Parent and The Oregonian.

Articles by Pamela

Sandy Hook Started a Conversation—Now What?

As teachers, our open discussion of tragedies like Sandy Hook is something we can do, today, that will contribute to clear thinking and ethical pedagogy.

Students Get Real Insight Into Abilities

Growing up, I remember the children in “special ed” seemed to live in an alternate universe within our school. Regardless of the distinctions in their challenges, they all were placed together in one class, shuttled around as one throng, rarely included in the activities the rest of us took for granted.

Facebook is My Classroom, Too

As teachers, we hear almost daily that we “must meet the students where they are.” It is a core tenant, a sacred truth offered as a key to successfully unlocking the hearts and minds of even the most reluctant learners.

Hundreds of Offenses Go Unchecked

We are all still thinking, talking, teaching and grieving about the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, the 17-year-old in Florida, wearing that universal hoodie. Again, as a nation, we confront the issue of race and what it means to be an African-American teenage male in this country.

The Case of the Missing Women

I held up the front page of our college newspaper and asked my first-year journalism students if any questions came to mind as they looked at the photographs of candidates running for president and vice president of our student government. It’s a multimedia storytelling class and the assignments for the week were about analyzing and taking photographs.