
Sean is a content strategist and editor in Texas; he is also a former managing editor for Teaching Tolerance. He has written more than 40 non-fiction books, most of them aimed at young adults and teachers. Price served as managing editor at Junior Scholastic magazine, where he collaborated with NBC News on the production of classroom videos.

Articles by Sean

Arizona Legalizes Racial Profiling

Hundreds of high school and college students gathered around the state capitol in Phoenix, Arizona, on Friday. They were there to convince Gov. Jan Brewer to veto Senate Bill 1070. These young protesters were disappointed though. Brewer signed the bill and instantly set back relations between whites and Latinos in Arizona and other parts of the country.

Race and Poverty Matter, Even on Earth Day

There’s an old joke among real estate agents that the three most important things to consider in any property are location, location, location.

Time to Bury the “Lost Cause”

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell has declared April Confederate History Month. His original seven-paragraph proclamation was full of paeans to grey-clad heroes but nowhere mentioned the agonies of slavery. This understandably offended African Americans, and McDonnell spent a day or so getting beat up in the media.

The Great Fulton Fake-Out

Remember Constance McMillen? She’s the lesbian teen in Fulton, Miss., who fought to take her date to the prom and wear a tuxedo. Her case drew national attention after she and the American Civil Liberties Union challenged the Itawamba County School District. The district had banned same-sex prom dates and decreed that only male students could wear tuxedos.

Remember the (all-white) Alamo!

The Texas State Board of Education approved standards for U.S. history and other social studies courses Friday. That is national news because of Texas’ huge role in shaping textbooks across the country. Given that conservative Christians dominate the board, the result was predictable.