
Sean is a content strategist and editor in Texas; he is also a former managing editor for Teaching Tolerance. He has written more than 40 non-fiction books, most of them aimed at young adults and teachers. Price served as managing editor at Junior Scholastic magazine, where he collaborated with NBC News on the production of classroom videos.

Articles by Sean

When Schools Dump Diversity

Teaching Tolerance has reported many times and in many ways that the United States is plunging headlong toward racial and cultural re-segregation. That process took an enormous leap in the wrong direction last week when the Wake County school board in North Carolina voted to dismantle its policy of diversifying the schools.

Remembering Bloody Sunday

On March 7, 1965, millions of Americans sat watching their television sets in horror. Grainy black-and-white news images from Selma, Ala., showed about 600 mostly African-American protesters trying to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge. They were marching to the state capital, Montgomery, to win voting rights in the Jim Crow South.

Giving Darwin His Due

A few years ago, I wrote a classroom resource about ecology for elementary and middle school kids. It covered all the territory you’d expect—biomes, habitats, food chains, etc. But the publisher insisted on a conspicuous omission. No mention could be made of one of the major biologists who pioneered ecology. That biologist was Charles Darwin.

Charter Schools: Resegregating America?

Are charter schools helping to resegregate public schools? A just-released study states flatly that they are.

Remembering Howard Zinn

As a young newspaper reporter in Texas, I covered my fair share of speeches. The thrill of hearing an important person give carefully prepared remarks wore off quickly. So I got in the habit of turning away from the speaker and watching the crowd.