
Trevor Barton received his BA in English at UNC Chapel Hill and his MAT at Converse College. He teaches at an inner-city elementary school in Greenville, S.C.

Articles by Trevor

Galimoto Connects Students to the World

This teacher helps students find commonalities between their own complex lives and the experiences of children a world away.

Helping Boys Become Readers

Many boys at my school struggle with reading. Most are more interested in video games and outdoor activities than books. Our school is not an anomaly.

Finding the Best Teacher Voice for Students

During my first year as a second-grade teacher, I struggled with classroom management. I am a soft-spoken person by nature and habit. I didn't have the experience to help me set up great rules and procedures for my students. My classroom was noisy and chaotic. I think you could hear us all around the school.

iPad Project Seeks to Level Educational Field

This year our school district launched an iPad initiative for the kindergarten teachers and students at our Title I elementary school.

Tending to Our Students Before Tragedy Strikes

The e-mail message was direct and devastating. One of our fourth-graders had been killed in a gun accident. “Davius had gone to a friend's house to play and apparently a gun was discharged and the bullet struck him,” my principal wrote. “He died at the scene." I sat in stunned silence. A memory of a story Davius wrote for me in November flashed across my mind.