The Moment Archive

The Moment is LFJ’s online editorial column, which contains articles and content to address what is happening in social justice education—and society—right now.
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The December Holidays

Many schools enjoy celebrating a non-religious “holiday season” but clearly favor Christmas in their traditions and decor. Moreover, important non-Christian holidays that don't occur in December are often overlooked completely. These resources can help your school community become more inclusive by reflecting on how and when holidays show up in your hallways, assemblies and classrooms.

Thanksgiving 2019

As Thanksgiving approaches, it's important to remember that some Indigenous communities observe the holiday as a day of mourning. We hope you'll think about the ways you bring Thanksgiving into your classroom and consider how you can ensure every member of your school community feels respected and valued in the process. Here are a few resources to get you started.

The 2020 Teaching Tolerance Award

We’re now accepting nominations and applications for our biennial Award for Excellence in Teaching. Here’s how you can help us find the next award-winning educators!

Black Students Matter

Last week, a 7-year-old black boy came home from school with a realistic-looking gunshot wound painted on his forehead—by his drama teacher. The image understandably alarmed his mother. And it reminds us of the harm educators inflict when they insist they "don't see race." We hope you'll read and share these recommendations for protecting, respecting and celebrating the identities of your black students.

Halloween 2019

Every year, we hear of students and educators whose Halloween costumes reinforce stereotypes, bolster systems of oppression or even make light of hate. In these cases, a simple conversation might have prevented a lot of harm. We hope you'll take the time to talk with your students about their Halloween costume choices this year—and think carefully about your own. Here's a place to start.