Learning for Justice

We are a small team of educators and writers working in Montgomery, Alabama—the birthplace of the civil rights movement. We’re driven by a passion for social justice, a deep belief that education is the best chance we have to build a better world, and a firm commitment to making sure that every student has the opportunity to learn and thrive.

Articles by Learning for Justice

How will you Mix It Up in 2013?

Last year thousands of schools participated in Mix It Up at Lunch Day—and this year is going to be even better. Start planning now to make your Mix It Up even the best it can be.

Dent Middle School’s Mix It Up Skits Were a Hit!

In preparation for Mix It Up at Lunch Day, Dent Middle School students designed t-shirts, performed skits on the morning news show and decorated the lunchroom. Their event was a huge success!

Arrowwood Elementary School Mixes It Up on YouTube!

As part of Mix it Up at Lunch Day, Arrowwood Elementary School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado provided students with a series of ice-breakers to spice up the conversation and help create new friendships. The Douglas County School District’s video of the event shows what Mix It Up is all about!

Announcing the 2012 Mix It Up at Lunch Model Schools

Teaching Tolerance has named 77 schools—25 more than last year—from across the country as Mix It Up Model Schools for their exemplary efforts to foster respect and understanding among their students and throughout their campuses during the 2011-12 school year.

Making Black History Month Memorable

We asked our 25 Teaching Tolerance Advisory Board members what advice they would offer to fellow educators about Black History Month. Each of these experienced educators offers a wealth of expertise, especially when it comes to bringing multicultural topics into the classroom.